Saturday, 23 April 2011

Film support work for BBC The One Show

In March Paul supported The One Show's (BBC) nature expert Mike Dilger in a quest to find hibernating bats in Ease Gill cave. With the expert help from Professor John Altringham we descended Link Pot and had an extremely successful day.
The show was screened on Thursday 21st April and can be seen here

Friday, 22 April 2011

April ML courses

A fantastic week of weather in the Lakes and 20 people on ML courses. 12 very happy people on training and 8 on assessment with 7 passing and the 8th just a night nav re-assessment to undertake. So congratulations to all. May MLA is full but places on the training. Other courses still have places available.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Caving work in the Dales

Just completed an excellent week of caving work with IM Marsh students on a course organised by Duncan Morrison. Duncan delivers the LCMLA caving courses for Apex Training. We had an intro caving trip into Longchurn on day one and then a teaching SRT day followed by a short vertical cave and then a longer SRT trip on the second day. These two days were then repeated for the next group. Motivated, able students' made it a very enjoyable week.